this few days nvr post anything cos im lazy! hehe
7th Jan went ngee ann poly's open hse wit e class n Grace's class too! plus e sec 5s..
tat day dunno y keep saying japanese words :P siao liao~
then 8th Jan nth much bah..i think...forget liao..
then 9th Jan, today, today Randy, Addi, LianCheng, Keby, Grace n me went ngee ann poly again, to take a better look at e poly :] hehe
woke up at abt 7.30? went back to slp until 8.15 like tat then wake up, shower, on com watch Mr. Brain!!! OMG! dunno y nw like to watch japanese drama loh Oo
after tat went out liao..went out late becos of tat, LianCheng oso late, cos he was watching HaiPaiTianXin, Grace oso late, cos she over slpt..hehe..Keby didnt go guitar lesson dunno y, he went to find Nicole then come find us..
HuiYi, JueYin n YungYung went singapore poly lo.
took bus 61 there..slp in e bus :X
reached liao then walk walk~~
hehe :P
after tat went to e cca there, VERY FUN LO!! OMG~ HAVE SHUAI GE THERE!!!
they oso have new way to play basketball, sit on a wheelchair! so fun!! hehehe
wan-ed to try e volleyball, bt e ppl there nvr :( BT! tryed e archery!! OMG~ MY FAV.!!
then went to bring Grace, then go e sch of chemical thingy, Randy went to bring Keby then meet us later while we go to e makan place..after eating, Grace, LianCheng n me went to e sch of business..LOL! cos Grace wanna c e tourism n resort management...then at e business sch, we kena bluffed by one of e ppl (lazy say wad happen) bt at e international business, e guy who explained to us, was CUTE ! a way me..hehe..
after tat went to find e e cca there..saw performances by e dancers n wu shu ppl..
e wu shu one scary n shuai :P
after tat helped Grace ask e strings de ppl if wanna join strings, isit a need for us to have a music background..he say no..OMG HE IS SHUAI LO!! bt Grace say one of e wu shu de more shuai
LOL! after tat Grace n i go back first, cos she meeting her parents to buy new phone..LOLS! tot she wanna buy e sony one, bt end up buyin LG BL20V..
then i need to join my family for dinner, cos my cousin's 5th yr old birthday lo..
after dinner, when my cousin wanna blow e candles..SO FUNNY LO! they (3 of them, all boys) blow once, no more fire, then my uncle relight again, then blow again, then relight again.. LOL!
then one of my cousin (Ivan) wanna blow again..then my uncle go relight 1 candle for him to blow T>T like tat oso can..
then another 2 cousin (Issac n Joshua) snatch e wad nitendo..cos one wanna play, another one dun let, then both fight T.T Joshua cry..Issac scream T?T
after tat dunno wad happen ok silly! especially e blow candle part..
then went home liao..changed bedsheets, watch last ep of Mr. Brain then shower n update blog. hehe..ltr doing hw, tmr morning waking up early to finish all hw, then go swimming if can..then come back rest or wad b4 going amaths tuition ltr..then after amaths tuition, is science tuition..LOLs! think of tuiton jiu abit sian hehe..think cos wanna slp alot bah...
dunno y after going back to sch, VERY TIRED!! haiis..
hope can slp more lo..
show u guys some pictures i took today :D
at e bus stop, they're gonna perform
e boy standing is Ivan, e one "sittin" is Isaac, Ivan's older bro..
my uncle Sam, carrying his second son, Jiarus. then e guy holding on to e camera is my grandfather, nxt to him is my aunty Karen, uncle Sam's wife, nxt to her is her first son, Joshua, nxt is Ivan, then uncle Paul n then Isaac (birthday boy) nxt to him nt in pic is my aunty Serina, Ivan, Isaac's mum, uncle Paul's wife then nvt to her is my grandmother then me..
my grandmother, aunty Serina, grandfather n so on..hehe :P lazy to type
hahaha, my aunt accidentally close her uncle so cute! hahaha, e way he smile..
Isaac is purposely dun wanna look at camera de lo! they say he SHY. hehe..dunno real or nt.. XP
okk..i better go do abit hw liao. byebye
good nite. sweet dreams!
ohya! I LOVE NGEE ANN!!! hehe :P
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